Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Celebrate your Age.

3 generations
Linda, my daughter Tiffany and my mother Marjorie
Have you ever noticed two people of the same birth-date seem to be miles apart in the aging process? You may be getting older but it doesn't mean you have to be old. Age is only a number on the calendar, attitude is what determines your over the hill or rounding the corner for your next adventure. I believe attitude truly determines your altitude ninety percent of the time.

As that day on the calendar approaches many people make a mental decision to stop striving for something because they feel their time has passed. Well I'm here to tell you that your time has just begun...
I want you to think back for a moment to the last time you really went after something. Didn't you feel vibrant and alive? Don't let a number on the calendar call the shots on how you are going to live your life. To live and I mean to really live life to the fullest is to go after your dreams with the pursuit, passion and vigor of youth

    Ask yourself what keeps you ticking? Go after things that excite you so much that you can hardly wait to get out of bed in the morning and you feel eager for your day to begin. Life opens up when you do. Once you open our mind to all of the possibilities, you won't believe the exciting things that life has in store for you. Age will never cross your mind again; the primary thing on your mind will be life. Sometimes you may feel stuck but the only thing standing in your way is probably you, sochange your mind-set today. Give yourself permission to live your best life now.

"Even if you're on the right track you will get run over if you sit there"-Will Rogers

Happy New Year
With Love LindaLu

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The power of "Goal Setting".

"Without goals we are like ships that have set sail with no destination."

Dreams can be realized. We must first know what we want, and then have the courage to go after it.  It doesn’t matter what our dreams are big or small, we will never accomplish the goals we don’t set. 

Opportunities are available to all of us. So why do some of us have the life we really want, while others never seem to achieve their lifelong dreams?  Surprisingly enough many people just never ask for what they want, nor do they pursue their dreams. Drifting through life aimlessly is easy, because we never risk failing.  Fear of failure is a powerful force. Fear can cheat us out of realizing our greatest dreams if we let it.  COURAGE is the best antidote to overcome fear. Go after what you want in life no matter how outrageous your goal may seem. 

Give yourself a clear cut goal with a time-line of reaching it. Visualize yourself actually achieving your dreams and then go after them. The pursuit of your dreams is a very important part of actually achieving them. 

 “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”