Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Are you on a journey or a mission?

Are you on a journey or a mission? There is nothing wrong with being on either one but it's good to be clear about which one you're on!

When you are on a journey you don't know where you're headed and you are unsure of where you'll end up. You may get blown around by the wind and feel like you are bouncing around like a ping pong ball. You are unsure yet of how to get where you're going. A journey is more about the experience of traveling from one destination to the next.  Many of us are focused so much on the destination we forget to enjoy the journey. My philosophy is you are almost always on a journey, so you might as well enjoy it.

"A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it" John Steinbeck

 I asked a few Facebook friends what the word Journey meant to them,  these are their responses;
JOURNEY! Rebecca Heck -"Dancing in my room to " Journeys" Escape Album when I was Young !LOL/ "Also ...... Starting every day with goals to reach and enjoying the ride of reaching them and making new ones to always improve so the Journey and improvements Never End!!!!
Angelique Berquist- "The good the bad the ugly!"

I believe half of achieving anything  is knowing what you want and fearlessly going after it

When you are on a mission you know what you want and everything you do has purpose and a set intention! Your mind is set on what you want to accomplish and you set plans in motion to accomplish your mission. You have a detailed plan and are 100 percent committed to backing that up with action.    You will move heaven and earth to reach your goal. You have calculated the risks and the cost to reaching your end goal. You can't rest until your mission is accomplished and will do whatever it takes to reach your objective, whether is to run the extra mile or swim the ocean or eat that yucky butternut squash your trainer is always pushing on you. A mission moves you and drives you to do the things that will take you to completion.

On a Mission
Lisa Babcock- If you are on a mission, there is more of a sense of urgency. Life is a journey, and I hope mine is a long one.

Linda Mitchell-  I think it's important to have both! I'm enjoying my journey more because I'm on a mission.  My mission at CHICKFIT is to help women love themselves when they look in the mirror and have the ability to love themselves transfer into loving and giving support to one another. Self improvement equals empowerment."

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Take The Challenge!

During the week I am always up early getting my workout in; on Saturdays I usually sleep in so my husband can get his workout in early. This morning after my husband left, I heard the treadmill going and went down stairs only to discover that my youngest son Jake was getting his workout in and I figured it would be awhile which would put me way behind on various projects I wanted to get done. My whole family has really been inspired to get fit lately, so rather than stall progress, I figured I, the all-year around fitness person, would have to wait.

Usually I like to do an outdoor workout on the weekends so I poked my head outside and thermometer says 17 degrees. Brrrrrrr! even my dog  Buster didn't want to be outside.  So I decided while I was waiting to workout I would get on FB and check out the scene. On the first post I came to, my client Amy who's a runner is bundling up for her training and in the second post I read she's done.  Mmm well what the heck I'll give it a whirl, so with a thermal shirt, hoodie, jacket, coat, long johns, sweats, thermal gloves, and a toboggan I set off for the track. In my Christmas with the Kranks gear I wondered how in the world I  was going to be able to move let alone run with all those clothes LOL. I certainly could have given Jaimie Lee Curtis a run for her money in this get-up.

When I got to the track I had to walk a good way to even get there because the place was jam packed for a basketball game. As I turned the corner I began wondering what I was thinking: the track and the bleachers were completely covered with snow. I thought about turning around and going home but I thought well after all this effort let me at least just see what I can do. So I went over to the bleachers and was thinking to myself, there is just no way I'm going to be able to do this...... well there was a hand rail. Never one to back down from a challenge, I had to give it a go. The first 3 were a little rough.... but 35 bleachers later it flipping rocked!!!! As I ran sprints and bleachers in the snow I felt like I was invincible; like I could do anything. I truly felt like ROCKY in training. The takeaway I get from all of this besides an incredible workout, is an analogy... How many times are we like that in life, thinking there is just no way I'm going to be able to do this and want to walk away when something looks insurmountable, when in reality if we would just stop waiting and get started by putting one foot in front of the other, we could achieve anything. When you do something challenging that you never knew you could do it makes you believe in yourself and that my friends is the real take away.

The next time a challenge presents itself, take the challenge because what's on the other side of pushing yourself is always worth it.
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Lindalufitness, 115 Reading Rd, Mason, OH 45040
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