Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Ep 165: What Would You Go To The Mattresses For? with Aaron Gendle

Are you interested in writing a book?  Are you struggling with your health and nutrition?  In this episode, we dive into discussing writing a book, and everything that goes into it. We also discuss nutrition, health and how it all ties together to create the life you want to live. You won’t want to miss this discussion.

In this episode I talk with Aaron Gendle, author, podcast host and coach, joins us to discuss his personal journey that led to him writing his book. Aaron healed himself from Chron's disease, and naturally without medicine. After that, he chose to write a book on his experiences and what he learned to help others. Today, we discuss why setting big goals is so important, and how books create a lasting legacy. We also talk about the importance of what you surround yourself with, and how you talk to yourself about success.

Questions I asked:

  • Why do you love to write?
  • Why could everyone write a book?
  • How did you get started writing your book?
  • Why should we be our own self-advocate?
  • Do you still follow the same diet you used to get healthy?
  • How did your health and life journey translate into your book, Conquest?
  • Can you discuss those 10 attributes for people?
  • What simple steps have you used to achieve big things in your life?
  • What are you fired up about in 2020?
  • Who do you want on your show?
  • What are the three simple tips you could give the audience?

Topics Discussed:

  • Setting big dreams and goals
  • Get your health and fitness right first, then go for a big goal
  • Fueling your passion
  • Reflect on your life and what’s going on.
  • The successful do not blame others for their problems.
  • Don’t make excuses for success.
  • The 10 attributes of the conquest formula.
  • Success is available for anyone.
  • Healing yourself naturally
  • Choosing what you surround yourself with.
  • Memories are important

Quotes from the show:

  • “I stayed to a diet I would want to follow, regardless of any illness.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Setting a big goal in your own life is really important.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Overcome fear and doubt with action.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Books are something that can live on forever.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Starving those doubts is the best way people can overcome them.” @AaronGendle @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Aaron:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" 


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Ep 164: How to Make Small Changes to Create a Big Win for Yourself with Doreen Rainey

Are you interested in success?  Have you been trying for a big win in your life or career?  In this episode, we dive straight into discussing how we can have RADICAL success and allow yourself to win.

In this episode, I talk with Alissa Circle, transformational coach, speaker, and CEO of the RADICAL Success Institute, joins us to discuss her RADICAL success method, and how we can have a transformation in our life, find those big and little wins, and go after the life of our dreams. This conversation is warm, inviting, but full of raw truth and honesty.

Questions I asked:

  • Does your inviting nature come naturally to you?
  • What are some tools for having a real transformation?
  • Why do we need to embrace the suck?
  • How do we set goals with action steps?
  • How important is it to not get stuck on perfection?
  • What was the catalyst for your significant transformation?
  • Is transformation made up of consistency?
  • What type of transformations do you see from your conference?
  • Do you do live coaching?


Topics Discussed:

  • Being open and honest as yourself.
  • Radical denial.
  • Having a true transformation.
  • Accepting the process, and where you are right now.
  • Keep the promises you make to yourself.
  • Perfection isn’t attainable.
  • Little wins add up.
  • Keep your gratitude.

Quotes from the show:

  • “My authenticity lies in being open and honest.” @DoreenRainey @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Transformation is what takes place in your mind.” @DoreenRainey @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Create the transformation so you never go back.” @DoreenRainey @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We HAVE to be okay with the process.” @DoreenRainey @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Self-Trust is Crucial.” @DoreenRainey @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Perfection will paralyze you.” @DoreenRainey @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Doreen:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ep 163 - Lindsey Mango - How to Stop Creating the Same Problem and Create Different Results

Are you interested in starting your own business?  Have you been concerned about your brand?  In this episode, we dive into discussing how women can break the mold in business and in life. This is going to be an impactful episode.

In this episode I talk with Lindsay Mango, a Life and Business Coach, joins us to discuss her journey from college athlete, a self-made entrepreneur to a life and business coach. We discuss how important our mindset is in achieving our goals, and how what we think, and what we fill our mind with really matters. We discuss how to get the results we’re looking for in our life and business.


Questions I asked:

  • What translates your energy?
  • Why should you only show up as you to attract the right person?
  • What would you say to someone who doesn’t full like they can be themselves with their fiancĂ©?
  • Will we attract more like us when we’re fully ourselves?
  • What is your suggestion for those who are not comfortable around your vibration?
  • How can people begin to go after the life of their dreams?
  • How can we stop wasting time and start living?
  • Why does making a transition have nothing to do with your circumstances?
  • What habits do you need to shed to live the life of your dreams?
  • How did you get into this space?

Topics Discussed:

  • Being who you truly are.
  • Going after Big Dreams.
  • Why what you fill your mind with matters.
  • Victim mindset.
  • Situations are temporary.
  • Don’t Repeat the Same Problems.
  • Raising your vibration.


Quotes from the show:

  • “The first step to any change, or any shift you’re going to make is being aware of what’s going on between your two ears.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Celebrate the discomfort.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I want to stay sharp as a tack til the day I die.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Things will change, but it doesn’t have to be in a way that you don’t feel sexy and valuable.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat
  • “The more we can educate one another the better off we’ll all be long term.” @lindseymango_ @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Lindsey:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Ep 162 - Linda Mitchell - Dream Big the Time Will Pass Anyway

Are you planning on setting some goals in 2020?  Are you thinking big enough?  In this episode, we dive into discussing our goals and dreams and discuss why it’s important to dream big because the time passes anyway.

In this episode, I’m doing a solo show to share with you guys all about how I set goals and make plans for my life and my business. We discuss how to outline your perfect day, as well as 525 List. It’s a great episode for starting a new year.

Topics Discussed:

  • Setting Goals
  • Why people often give up on resolutions.
  • Why you need to dream big.
  • How to define your perfect day.
  • Doing Warren Buffet’s 525 List.
  • Making Vision Boards and Goal Lists.
  • Believe your goals are possible.

Quotes from the show:

  • “When you write down the things you want it life, you're more likely to achieve them.” @SisterhoodSweat
  • “When you have that dream that feels so big, God gave it to you for a reason.” @SisterhoodSweat
  • “What do you want in your heart of hearts? It's put there for a reason.” @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Knowing each others goals and dreams is the framework for a good relationship..” @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Linda:

"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!

Check out this episode!