Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Ep 272 - Work The Most Important Muscle: Courage with David Wood

Are you interested in finding more courage?  Have you been letting fear hold you back?  In this episode, we are finding ways to be our most courageous selves. I talk with David Wood. David is a former consulting actuary for Fortune 100 companies. He built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for life coaching and coaching thousands of hours in 12 countries around the globe. David talks about how he went from an actuary to life coaching, and what drives his passion to help people become their best selves. We discuss the importance of leaning into fear, and the distraction of shiny object syndrome. David even does a small coaching example for us today.


Questions I asked:

  • Can you tell everyone how you got started in the business world and then coaching?
  • How can we lean into our fears, and why should we?
  • How can we get ourselves to recognize our fear and put ourselves out there?
  • Why do you need to learn from your mistakes?
  • Why is it important to flex that courage muscle?
  • How we can dial down on our fears?
  • What are some tips to help you find a good hire?
  • How do we avoid shiny object syndrome?
  • How do you deal with shiny objects that are attractive at the time?
  • What are five steps to doubling our revenue?
  • Where can we get those free gifts you mentioned?

Topics Discussed:

  • Feeling Fear
  • Overcoming discomfort.
  • Life Coaching and Self-Help.
  • Exercises to help fear.
  • Going for No.
  • Finding success.
  • Moving past deep fears.
  • Why you need a coach.

Quotes from the show:

  • “Helping someone find their comfort zone and taking them by the hand and leading them into that un-comfort zone.” @_focusceo @SisterhoodSweat
  • “There’s nothing wrong with fears, but the fact I never confronted it stuck with me the rest of my life.” @_focusceo @SisterhoodSweat
  • “If I am afraid of it, I lean into it because I don’t want that regret.” @_focusceo @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Success is asking for 100 thing, and you get 3 of them.” @_focusceo @SisterhoodSweat
  • “What would I do in my life if I was fearless?” @_focusceo @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with David:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"



My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Check out this episode!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Ep 271 - Let It Rip Friday: Are You Running Past Your Blessings with Linda Mitchell

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, Linda discusses the possibility that you're too focused and you may actually run past your blessings, instead of seeing them!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Ep 1. Stronger Then Yesterday with Linda Mitchell - Interviewed by Jodi Harrison Bauer

Linda was interviewed on Fearlessly Authentic with Jodi Harrison Bauer:

Talk about positive and energy and charisma! This woman has it all. In this episode with Linda Mitchell, the founder of Sisterhood of Sweat, you will learn what it takes to throw fear out the window and move on in your life, your dreams and find your happiness. Linda is obsessed with helping other women survive and thrive. After overcoming her own experience with domestic violence, Linda has made it her mission to empower other women by helping them take responsibility for their health so that they can be in the best shape physically and emotionally.

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Ep 270 - Let It Rip Friday: Sometimes you have to fail to succeed with Linda Mitchell

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we discuss how sometimes you have to fail on some things to succeed overall. You don't need to do everything perfectly to make progress.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Ep 269 - Why You Should Break Up With Sugar For Good With Michael Collins

Are you interested in kicking the sugar habit? In this episode, we dive into living our lives without sugar. We discuss the sugar addiction in America and how to avoid it when it is in so many foods. I talk with Michael Collins, the founder of and Quit Sugar Summit, as well as the past Chairman of the Board and current Board Member of Addiction Institute. Michael has been completely sugar-free for over 30 years and has worked closely with others to help them regain lives ravaged by this addictive productHe discusses why sugar can be a gateway drug to other substances, and his personal journey being sugar-free and raising sugar-free children. 


Questions I asked: 

  • How have sugar cravings been related to the pandemic? 
  • How can people ditch the sugar itch? 
  • How are sugar and caffeine-related? 
  • What do you think about your children growing up without sugar? 
  • Why do we want to get dopamine from sugar? 
  • If you get dopamine the right way, does it help the cravings? 
  • How does carb-loading work with sugar? 
  • What kind of supplements or cheats would you suggest for kicking sugar? 
  • What do you think the keto flu actually is? 
  • What supplements or activates do you suggest to help improve cravings? 
  • Can you tell us about your sugar challenge and detox? 
  • Can you give us 3 quick tips to kick sugar? 


Topics Discussed: 

  • Sugar addiction 
  • Caffeine addiction 
  • How sugar impacts the body. 
  • How sugar ties to feelings. 
  • How to break sugar addiction. 
  • Embracing sugar free childhood. 
  • Finding ways to eat whole foods. 
  • Avoiding the keto flu. 

Quotes from the show: 

  • Sugar is the original gateway drug.” @Sugar_Free_Man @SisterhoodSweat 
  • Caffeine leads you back to craving sugar.” @Sugar_Free_Man @SisterhoodSweat 
  • Sugar is a heavy toxin, a neurotoxin.” @Sugar_Free_Man @SisterhoodSweat 
  • My kid’s said, Dad you should write a book about sugar.” @Sugar_Free_Man @SisterhoodSweat 
  • We share the delivery method of sugar with whole foods, so it will manifest cravings.” @Sugar_Free_Man  @SisterhoodSweat 
  • If you can get 30 or 60 days out, those cravings disappear.” @Sugar_Free_Man  @SisterhoodSweat 

How you can stay in touch with Michael: 

How you can stay in touch with Linda: 


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" 


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!  

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!  

Check out this episode!

Friday, February 5, 2021

Ep 268- Let It Rip Friday: The Way To Be Heard Is To Speak Up

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, Linda shares the reason why she does what she does, and also, why it is so important for women to speak up and use their voices.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Ep 267 - Learn How To Free Yourself From Burnout with Dave Ruel

Are you interested in entrepreneurship?  Have you been struggling with your business?  In this episode we delve into all things entrepreneurship.  This week, I talk with Dave Ruel, a former competitive physique athlete turned serial entrepreneur, author, speaker, and leadership mentor, about his personal method of achievement. Dave joins us and shares how he gets done before noon, then most people get done all day. We get actionable steps to get our live, business and priorities in order to be more effective in 2021. We discuss freedom, burnout and overwhelm. This is a great episode to fuel your business in the new year.

Questions I asked:

  • What is your backstory?
  • What are the 5 truths of an entrepreneur?
  • How can we set better priorities?
  • How do we align our goals with our priorities?
  • How can we stop chasing more?
  • How do multiprenuers choose a path?
  • How can people get more out of their business to run itself?
  • How do we avoid the burnout zone?
  • How do we stay hungry when everything is working?
  • What advice do you have for listeners?
  • Where can they grab the book?


Topics Discussed:

  • Training
  • Productivity
  • How to have freedom.
  • Time management.
  • Being your own boss.
  • Finding your way to work life balance.
  • Understand priorities
  • Stop chasing more.

Quotes from the show:

  • “Sweat everyday.” @dave_ruel @SisterhoodSweat
  • “All entrepreneurs have the same issue when it comes to leading themselves.” @dave_ruel @SisterhoodSweat
  • “It’s a lot of small things done right.” @dave_ruel @SisterhoodSweat
  • “It’s a truth, Entrepreneurs actually want to work.” @dave_ruel @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Entrepreneurship isn’t a clear path, you’re gonna drift.” @dave_ruel @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Life and business aren’t two different things, it’s work life harmony.” @dave_ruel @SisterhoodSweat
  • “We tend to react to business, instead of being proactive.” @dave_ruel @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Dave:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


My daily energy stems from mushrooms... mushroom coffee that is!

  • Have you checked out Four Sigmatic yet? If you want a coffee that contains superfoods and adaptogens like rhodiola, eleuthero, and schisandra to help you live a healthier, more enhanced life, then you need Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in your daily routine! Check out their products here and be sure to let me know what you think of it!


Check out this episode!