Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Ep 499: Let It Rip Friday - Your Body Is Your Divine Gift

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we've got the Sisters of Fitness together to discuss your body and why you should treat it well.  

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Ep 498: Be Sexy Eat Plants with Kristel de Groot

Are you interested in plant-based eating? Today, we dive into learning more about how plant-based eating can improve your life. In this episode, I talk with Kristel de Groot. She is the Co-Founder of Your Super, a next-gen industry leader in plant-based living, transparent supply chain, and 1:1 giving. The company was created when de Groot’s partner and Co-Founder, Michael Kuech was diagnosed with cancer at age 24. Together with her Orthomolecular Nutritionist mom and aunt, she developed superfood and plant protein mixes to help boost Michael’s immunity and overall health. Kristel is responsible for developing the formulas, all packaging, and branding and currently acts as Chief Marketing Officer. You can catch Kristel and Michael on their podcast, #BeSexyEatPlants which highlights vegan athletes, doctors, entrepreneurs, and change-makers.


Questions I asked:

·      How did your plant-based eating start?

·      Why did you switch to vegan from vegetarian?

·      How do you get your B-12 in?

·      Why should you get a panel done before you start?

·      What else do you eat besides plants?

·      When does your book come out?

·      How does this way of eating help inflammation?

·      What is your tip for people trying to change their eating?

·      Why is true health not about how you look?

·      Can you tell us about Your Super?


Topics Discussed:

·      Your Super Life Cookbook

·      Your Super way of eating

·      Stop counting calories, Count plants!

·      Starting a company.

·      Plant-based eating.

·      Motherhood

·      What true health really means.


·      Quotes from the show:

·      “Plant-based eating can reduce your risk of cancer.” @YourSuperfoods @SisterhoodSweat

·      “If you start focusing on what you should eat more of, you end up eating less of the other things.” @YourSuperfoods @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Eat the rainbow is a useful tip.” @YourSuperfoods @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Go back to nature.” @YourSuperfoods @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Healthy eating doesn’t have you be so complicated.” @YourSuperfoods @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Kristel:

·       Website

·       Twitter

·       Facebook

·       YouTube

·       Instagram

·       Get the Your Super Life book at your favorite book store: Barnes & Noble, Booksamllion, Target, Amazon, Walmart, etc. Follow them on IG on @kristelandmichael and @yoursuperfoods. Learn more on and


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Ep 497: Let It Rip Painful Endings Can Lead To Beautiful Beginnings

On this week's Let it Rip Friday, we're discussing the fact that sometimes the toughest endings bring amazing new beginnings.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

496: Over 40 Fitness Hacks with Brad Williams

Are you interested in losing weight after 40?  Have you been struggling to build muscle? This podcast is perfect for everyone 40 and over looking to stay fit. In this episode I talk with Bob Williams. Over the last decade, Brad owned and operated three gym locations in Orange County, and oversaw 40+ independent personal trainers each with their unique training styles. He built a loyal following and sought-after client/trainer community culture within each of his gym locations. Post-COVID, Brad had to focus more on online training and started his first fitness podcast called Over 40 Fitness Hacks. He wanted the show to revolve around his passion for helping the over-40 crowd fight the aging process while still having a social life.

Questions I asked:

·      How was it owning a gym during COVID?

·      How does online fitness change the game?

·      How did you find your place helping people over 40?

·      What is time under tension?

·      How should people eat at an older age for muscle?

·      Why is so important to get testing and know what you’re putting in your body?

·      How does alcohol affect you as you get older?

·      Does fasting help you?

·      How can you tell what things bother you?

·      How can we make sure we’re not breaking down our muscles?

·      Where can people connect with you?


Topics Discussed:

·      Weight loss.

·      Building muscle.

·      Time under tension.

·      Aging.

·      Micronutrients.

·      Balance training.

·      Chronic pain.

Quotes from the show:

·      “Online you really need to niche yourself down.” Brad Williams @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I couldn’t believe how many things changed with my body at 40.” Brad Williams @SisterhoodSweat

·      “My true calling didn’t happen until five years ago.” Brad Williams @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Working with lower weights, taking your time, and having time under tension.” Brad Williams @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Brad:

·       Listen to his podcast

·       Website

    If you're interested in online personal training or being a guest on Brad’s podcast, "Over 40 Fitness Hacks," you can reach him at


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Friday, March 17, 2023

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Ep 493: Unsubscribe From the Scale Dictating Your Worth with Katie Bramlett

Have you been struggling with the number on the scale? We’re learning how to ignore that number and tune into our bodies. In this episode, I talk with Katie Bramlett. She’s the co-founder of WeShape & a fierce advocate for bringing awareness to women's health and fitness. She is breaking toxic weight-loss culture by empowering people to connect with and care for their bodies. She is also the co-host of The WeShape Podcast. We discuss why she created WeShape, and what changed for her in your own journey with her body. Katie shares the importance of not seeking validation in others and why listening to our body should come first.


Questions I asked:

·      Why did you start WeShape?

·      Why do we operate from a place of “should”?

·      Can you share some stories from WeShape people?

·      How can we find more happiness inside ourselves?

·      How can we show up the way we want to?

·      Can you tell us more about what you do at WeShape?

·      Why is community so important for women?

·      What are some lies people tell themselves about being happy?

·      How do you deal with push-back from other people?

·      Can you tell everyone where to find you online?

·      What was the most surprising thing you had to let go of?


Topics Discussed:

·      No external validation.

·      Ignoring the scale.

·      Self-Esteem.

·      Self-acceptance.

·      Letting go of things.

·      Changing.


Quotes from the show:

·      “If you can’t be happy with the body you’re in today, no diet will make you fulfilled.” @weshape @SisterhoodSweat

·      “So many people time and attention goes to counting every calorie and walking all their steps, and the number on the scale.” @weshape @SisterhoodSweat

·      “People need to unsubscribe to the messages society sends us.” @weshape @SisterhoodSweat

·      “We hear people tell us, I now live for myself.” @weshape @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Katie:

·       Website

·       LinkedIn 

·       Facebook

·       TikTok

·       Get your Free Gift:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 13, 2023

Friday, March 10, 2023

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Ep 490: How To Feel Freaking Amazing with Dr. Wendie Trubow

Are you interested in living your best life?  Have you been struggling to balance everything?  Today, we dive into learning more about our overall health, as well as how intermittent fasting works. In this episode, I talk with Wendie Trubow, M.D., MBA. She is a functional medicine gynecologist. She received her M.D. from Tufts University in 2000 and has been practicing functional medicine since 2009. After all these years, she is still passionate about helping women optimize their health and their lives. There are so many different challenges in a woman’s life: work, home, relationships, spirituality, and health, and they all matter! While her credentials allow Trubow a solid medical backdrop to help women achieve vitality, her own health journey has also inspired and supported her methods of care. Through her struggles with mold and metal toxicity, Celiac disease, and a variety of other health issues, Trubow has developed a deep sense of compassion for what her patients are facing. When she's not helping patients in her practice (5 Journeys), you can find Trubow alongside her husband and their four kids, creating a beautiful ecosystem in their yard that provides nourishment to both body and soul. Her newest book, Dirty Girl, comes out in early 2024. In the episode today, we discuss the possible toxins in our bodies. We also go over what functional nutrition is, what tests they can run, and how it can help. Wendie shared her own story about getting healthy and improving her life.


Questions I asked:

·      Can you tell us about your journey?

·      What did you do for your gas?

·      What happened after you stopped eating gluten?

·      Can you overuse probiotics?

·      Where did your hair loss come from?

·      How do you figure out what’s wrong with you?

·      How can we detox from heavy metals?

·      How quickly did you stop losing hair?

·      What are good ways to feed your adrenals?

·      What are the symptoms of MTHFR?

·      Do you have recommendations for people struggling with a polluted environment?

·      How often do you exercise, and how important is it?

·      How can people work with you?

·      Can you tell us about your new book?


Topics Discussed:

·      Toxins.

·      Celiac Disease.

·      Heavy Metals

·      Genetics.

·      Detoxing.

·      Functional Nutrition.


Quotes from the show:

·      “40% of the population has one or two genes for Celiac.” @5JourneysHealth @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Get the toxins out of your daily life. In, on, and around.” @5JourneysHealth @SisterhoodSweat

·      “First, you need to know what you’re treating.” @5JourneysHealth @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Detoxing is at a foundational level taking care of yourself, being kind to yourself.” @5JourneysHealth @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Wendie:


·      Website:

·      Facebook: fivejourneys

·      Instagram: @5journeyshealth

·      Twitter: @5JourneysHealth


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Ep 487: Collaboration Opens Up Your Universe with Niki Riga

Are you a fitness studio owner? Are you trying to figure out how to be successful? Then you’re listening to the right episode today! In this episode, I talk Niki Riga. Niki Riga is a boutique fitness consultant and industry expert who has coached hundreds of studio owners to build the business of their dreams through strategy centered on member acquisition, conversion, and retention.  Last year over 90 percent of her clients achieved their big end-of-year goals, including doubling auto pay memberships, paying themselves their target salaries, and expanding to new locations. We’re digging into why fitness studios need to be in collaboration, not competition.  


Questions I asked:

·      How did you get into helping people in the fitness space?

·      Don’t you come from a family of entrepreneurs?

·      What is your advice to entrepreneurs to avoid feast and famine?

·      How do you avoid getting caught up in one thing going wrong?

·      Can you tell me about how you had a Beyonce party?

·      Can you tell us more about your Facebook group?

·      What is one of the biggest mistakes you see business owners making?

·      Why is it so important to reward your members?

·      Why should you get a coach?

·      Can you tell people what you do, and where to find you?


Topics Discussed:

·      Collaboration

·      Fitness Studios

·      Building a business.

·      Self-Esteem

·      Positive Self Talk.

·      Entrepreneurs.

·      Getting clients.

·      Celebrate your clients/members.

·      Making a plan.


Quotes from the show:

·      “Your business is having a difficult time, but that’s not YOU.” Niki Riga @SisterhoodSweat

·      “You are more then the sum of your business’s parts.” Niki Riga @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Your purpose is bigger then one good day or one bad day in your business.” Niki Riga @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Concentrate on curating what you DO have.” Niki Riga @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Celebrate your members and they’ll stay forever.” Niki Riga @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Nikki:

·      Website

·       Instagram

·       Opt-In Page - Get the ten scripts you need to confidently make sales so you can start filling your classes right away.


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!