Today on Sisterhood of Sweat, I had the pleasure of interviewing the incredible Susie Abrams. Susie is a true renaissance woman - a former top-ranked tennis player, accomplished actress, and now the host of her own podcast called Great Ones. We discussed Susie's remarkable work ethic and how it was forged through her athletic pursuits, as well as her lifelong passion for storytelling that led her to acting. Susie also shared her inspiring perspective on turning tragedy into opportunity, using the devastating Malibu fires that destroyed her home as a catalyst for personal growth. It was a powerful conversation filled with insights on finding balance, following your calling, and embodying your highest self. I'm thrilled to share Susie's story with all of you.
Questions I asked:
· Where did you get your work ethic?
· What brought you into acting?
· Can you tell us a little bit about the experience of getting the role of Jessica Jones, since you had put it on your vision board 6 months prior?
· What is your process with vision boards since we are getting close to New Year's resolutions?
· What did you do to move forward in the moment when you lost everything in the Malibu fires?
· How do you find balance in this ever-changing industry?
· What is your why?

Topics Discussed:
· Athletic background and work ethic
· Early acting interests and pursuits
· Deciding to seriously pursue acting
· Manifesting a dream role
· Creating a new podcast concept
· Overcoming the loss of her home
· Healing through neurofeedback
· Balancing career and purpose
· Storytelling as a calling
· Spiritual growth and potential

Quotes from the show:
· I think visualization is really helpful. I think it's putting one foot in front of the other and constantly." @SusieAbromeit @SisterhoodSweat
· “I think when something really painful happens, there is these lessons within the pain, within the loss.” @SusieAbromeit @SisterhoodSweat
· “When something really painful is happening, it's like this vast amount of growth that happens simultaneously, if you allow it."@SusieAbromeit @SisterhoodSweat
· “I think when you're telling stories, it also gives you a sense of purpose." @SusieAbromeit @SisterhoodSweat
How you can stay in touch with Susie:
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Check out this episode!