Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

LindaLu's Ultimate Challenge

  Linda-Lu's Ultimate Challenge 
By Linda Mitchell
With the healthcare crisis upon us, I thought this would be a timely and relevant blog post.
Western medicine generally speaking only looks at the symptom of what’s wrong and then slaps a medicine on their patients that have side effects 10 times worse than the problem. Now with the affordable health care bill (that wording alone is a joke) our healthcare is about to go through the roof.

So I must ask this question, have you ever considered taking charge of your own health? I for one do not want to leave my health in the hands of the federal government. I am 51 and I'm not on medication of any kind, by choice I go to a holistic doctor which I pay for out of pocket. My holistic doctor always gives natural solutions. I truly believe a pound of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I eat a whole foods diet and stay away from anything overly processed as much as possible and I make sure to break a sweat daily.

Most chronic disease can be prevented by just managing what goes in your mouth. Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Obesity and cigarette induced Lung cancer in many cases are entirely preventable. I heard this statement somewhere recently and wholeheartedly agree, "Food is the most abused anxiety drug and exercise the most underutilized anti-depressant."  The alternative is also true; food can be your medicine and exercise your drug. It is worth taking the time to be mindful of what you eat.   Your healthy meals aren't just going to magically appear for you, so you must be intentional with what you do.  I ask people all the time where they live, and they reply with an address but the reality is we live in our body and that is the home we better take care of.

The real truth about healthcare is it starts with you. Be your own best friend.  Make the choice today to take your power back and begin investing your time into doing your own research on the benefits and healing properties of natural food.  I personally invite you to join my 6 weeks Whole Foods Challenge, where the focus is better health and weight loss is just a by-product.  Make your self-health a priority. Any age rocks when you’re healthy and you fuel your body with natural substances.  Reach your goals and your dreams naturally... by cutting all of the crap out of your diet and breaking a sweat daily. LindaLu's Ultimate Challenge Starts October 21st. Message me for details.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Surfs Up!

When I turned 50, it’s like I woke up one morning to the realization that my life was half way over. I thought to myself if I’m going to do something, now is the time to do it. I consciously made the decision to take ownership for my life and do the things I've always dreamed of.  The first thing I decided to do, was to stop making excuses why I couldn't do the things that I wanted to do.  The next step I took was to stop blaming others for holding me back.  Instead I began saying these kinds of statements to myself: “I want this and I’m worthy of it. If there is an obstacle in my way I am going to overcome it. This is my life and I’m going to live it, not be controlled any longer by what others think I should or should not do.”

I made a bucket list of everything I had ever dreamed of doing and began marking things off my list. The list goes something like this.  I went surfing, white water rafting, completed a Navy Seal Obstacle Course, rode the New York Subway, took a pole dancing class, signed up for school at Integrative Nutrition, entered a National fitness Competition, trademarked a name for my business and started my own bikini team. The year isn't up yet, next week I'm going to Philly to run "The ROCKY stairs".  I have to admit I was afraid at first whether I would be able to balance it all, but the time passes anyway why not go for your dreams?

When I took my first surfing lesson I smiled ear to ear the entire time!  I was having so much fun just trying to get up on the surf board it didn't matter if I got up." Yes, you bet your sweet bippy I did get up! Surfing was a total blast. You know a lot of times all the fun is just in going for it, making the attempt to do something new. 

I am now a graduate of The Institute Of Integrative Nutrition. I placed 3 times in The Top 5 at Fitness America at Age 50. I am the CEO of CHICKFIT and will be competing again in November with my lovely CHICKFIT Bikini Team.

Being beautiful to me is going after life the way you were meant to live it, FULLY and authentically.  You can be the author of your life. Age is just a number; you can define what you want to be, by what choose to do.

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