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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Ep 107 Aubrey Worek - How Not To Eat Like A Schmuck At The Holidays!

Do you have trouble sticking to your fitness goals around the holidays?  Have you experienced the guilt of gaining back weight because of all the food?  Do you struggle with staying away from the sweets? These are struggles we all deal with. And if it’s not a struggle around the holidays, maybe it’s just your weekend that gets off track.  Regardless, we have all had our moments of falling short. So what do we do to keep those moments to a minimum and stay focused when everything around us is distracting us?


Listen to the podcast HERE


In this episode I talk with Aubrey Worek and we discuss how to stay on track with your fitness goals even with all the holidays trying to wreak havoc on your nutrition.  We talk about how to grade yourself honestly on your eating habits and recognize when adjustments need to be made. We also dive into the importance of accountability and coaching to keep us on track.  In addition we talk about taking self-responsibility for our actions and owning up to our weaknesses.

Questions I asked:

  • How do we avoid the holiday weight gain?
  • How do we keep from continually starting over?
  • How do we stay away from sweets?
  • Do we need a trainer?


Topics Discussed:

  • Implementing systems for eating.
  • How coaches can help us.
  • The importance of accountability.
  • Staying on track during the weekends.

Quotes from the show:

  • “You need to prioritize what you need to do.” @LindaMitchell
  • “If you don’t have direction, how can you achieve anything?” @LindaMitchell
  • “You have to be a go-getter.” @fitnessenvi
  • “You have to be an active participant in your health.” @fitnessenvi
  • “You have to change your state.” @fitnessenvi


How you can stay in touch with Aubrey:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


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Check out this episode!

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