Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Ep 112 - What If I Make The Wrong Choice

Do you ever find yourself second guessing yourself? You have some ideas or dreams, but then reality hits, and you ask the question, “Who am I to do this?”  Doubts creep in along with fears of the unknown. We tend to live in that constant state of fears and because of it remain exactly where we are. But what we were to break out of that fear?  What if we were to make steps today that would lead us to a brighter and better future version of ourselves?


Listen to the podcast HERE


In this episode I talk about my own struggle about opening a gym and the fears and doubts that I had as I second guessed myself.  I realize that we all have big plans and dreams, so how do we turn those into a reality rather than just sitting on them? How do we take that first step and then another in order to further our dreams and do the desires that are in us to do.  That’s what we are talking about today.


Topics Discussed:

  • Making big plans.
  • How to overcome fear.
  • Recognizing that you are capable.

Quotes from the show:

  • “We worry about the what ifs instead of what could be.” @LindaMitchell
  • “What are you actually afraid of?” @LindaMitchell
  • “You’re going to win or learn.” @LindaMitchell
  • “Give yourself permission.” @LindaMitchell
  • “You can’t put one foot in and one foot out.” @LindaMitchell
  • “I don’t have to do things the way others have done them.” @LindaMitchell

How you can stay in touch with Linda:

"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


Check out this episode!

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