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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ep 116 Elaine LaLanne - "Know What You Want And Make A Plan."

Do you struggle with taking pride in yourself?  Do you feel like you should or shouldn’t have pride?  In this episode we dive into the importance of how we carry ourselves and how we have pride in the way we look and feel.  But even on a deeper scale than that, how do we get to that point? It takes being introspective and really discovering our deep thoughts and feelings on different issues.


Listen to the podcast HERE


In this episode I talk with Elaine LaLanne, the “mother of fitness”, at 92 years young she is brimming with strength and vitality. She talks about how we need to not only take pride in ourselves, but visualize what we want, and watch the words that come out of our mouth. She discusses why this is so important.  We dive into her and her husbands beginning and how they together helped pioneer the fitness world.

Questions I asked:

  • What was Jack LaLanne like?
  • How often do you workout?
  • How can we leave our own legacy.


Topics Discussed:

  • Why we should have pride in ourselves.
  • The importance of visualizing our goals.
  • Why we need to have introspection.

Quotes from the show:

  • “Success starts with you.” @jackandelaine_lalanne
  • “Know what you want and make a plan.” @jackandelaine_lalanne
  • “Plant your seed and water it with small goals.” @jackandelaine_lalanne
  • “Patience wins the race.” @jackandelaine_lalanne
  • “Thoughts are things.” @jackandelaine_lalanne


Check out Elaine’s previous interviews:

Episode 10

Episode 54


How you can stay in touch with Elaine:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


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Check out this episode!

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