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Friday, May 14, 2021

Ep 295 - Let It Rip Friday: Throwback to Episode 10 with The First Lady of Physical Fitness, Elaine LaLanne

For this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're re-running an old early episode of Linda talking with Elaine LaLanne. Check it out!

"Elaine LaLanne is nothing less than incredible! At 91 she puts us all to shame.  Elaine does full push ups, takes no medication, and is as sharp as a tack. In this episode we talk about how Elaine, the then smoker and donut lover, met Jack, The Godfather of Fitness and he changed her life forever.  Jack also had a life-changing event happen to him; perhaps that was why he was so interested in making an impact in other people’s lives.  Jack was ill as a teen and his entire life was changed from a lecture by Paul Braggs of Braggs Aminos. This was a lecture in which Jack was almost turned away because it was sold out. Paul made room for Jack and his mother right up front. Talk about divine intervention."

Check out this episode!

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