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Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Ep 386: Getting in touch with your FEMININITY with Elé de Posson

Are you interested in tapping into your femininity?  Have you been worried about tapping into your gifts?  In this episode, we talk about how important it is to step out of our masculine, and into our divine feminine energy. Today, I talk with Elé de Posson. Eleonore is a Spiritual Business Mentor, Healer, Speaker, and Published Author. She helps women entrepreneurs, leaders, and way-showers run their businesses from their feminine energy so that they can magnetize wealth with ease, impact more people with their genius, live in alignment with their purpose, and feel deeply connected to their intuition and soul. She shares her own journey tapping into feminine energy to write a book, grow her business and so much more.

Questions I asked:

  • What was your life like when you started your journey to write your book?
  • How do we know when we’re in the masculine energy?
  • Why do women struggle to receive?
  • What are some tips for us to open up and receive?
  • How do we avoid burning out on masculine energy?
  • As an entrepreneur, how can we bring our femininity to a traditional men’s role?
  • How do we know when we need masculine energy and when we need feminine energy?
  • Why do we need to apply this knowledge to our lives?
  • How do we embrace our intuition and inner knowing?
  • How can we be more in flow?
  • Where can anyone get your book, and how can they take your course?
  • What guidance would you like to leave women with today?

Topics Discussed:

  • Divine feminine.
  • Masculine energy.
  • Writing a book.
  • Healing trauma.
  • The law of exchange.
  • Giving and receiving.
  • Balancing energy.

Quotes from the show:

  • “One day I decided I was going to surrender.” @eledeposson @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I went on a journey of rediscovering what the feminine is.” @eledeposson @SisterhoodSweat
  • “When we’re giving, coaching, leading, we’re in our masculine energy.” @eledeposson @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Feminine energy is all about creating and receiving.” @eledeposson @SisterhoodSweat
  • “If you’re always in your masculine, and giving, it’s going to burn you out.” @eledeposson @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Elé:


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

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