Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Friday, April 28, 2023

510: Let It Rip Friday: Don't Hate On Others Dreams Create Your Own

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how belittling someone's dreams isn't worth it, just build your own!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Ep 509: How To Gain Clarity and Avoid Burnout with Clara Capno

Are you interested in Intermittent fasting?  Have you been worried about menopause?  In this episode I talk with Clara Capano. She is an International Speak and Trainer, Best Selling Author and Executive producer of the Working Woman’s Channel and Living Real TV. Her passion is in helping women in business take control back of their time and get clear on their goals all without Burnout! She will help you work SMARTER so you can create MORE time, generate MORE Business and DESIGN a life you LOVE all on YOUR terms! Today, we dive into setting boundaries, avoiding burnout, managing our time, and succeeding in our businesses. We dive into the ways to be smarter about the decisions we make, and how to avoid those distractions.


Questions I asked:

·      Why do women feel like we have to do everything?

·      How do you help women work smarter?

·      What should people do to leverage their time?

·      What do you consider distractions?

·      How can you find your bubble time?

·      What are the signs that you’re burnt out?

·      Why do we need to advocate for ourselves?

·      How do we know what we should do, and what we need to say no to?

·      What are the 7 areas that lead to success?

·      How do we know we’re saying yes to the right things?

·      How can you help people with their business?

·      Where can people find you online?


Topics Discussed:

·      Overcoming Burnout

·      Leveraging Time and Managing Distractions

·      Creating the Mindset of a CEO

·      Leadership and Building Culture

·      Business Planning

·      Stop Selling - Add Value

Quotes from the show:

·      “It all came from my personal story of dealing with burnout.” @claracapano @SisterhoodSweat

·      “How does this fit into the vision of what I’m trying to do?” @claracapano @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Bubble time, you focus on your project for a set point of time.” @claracapano @SisterhoodSweat

·      “You don’t need to answer every call or email the minute it comes in.” @claracapano @SisterhoodSweat

·      “If you can’t handle one more thing, you might be in burnout.” @claracapano @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Cynthia:

·       Website

·       LinkedIn

·       Facebook

·       Instagram


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 24, 2023

Friday, April 21, 2023

Ep 507: Let It Rip Friday - Your Dreams Are Possible

On this week's Let It Rip Friday, we're discussing how important it is to follow your dreams, speak them out loud and believe.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Ep 506: Movement Is Medicine And A Natural Remedy For Pain with Dr. Josh Levitt

Are you interested in natural healing?  In this episode, we dive into the natural ways to heal and help your body and why so many people end up doing unnecessary surgery to feel better. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Josh Levitt. He is a naturopathic physician with a degree in physiology from UCLA, a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University, residency training in integrative medicine, over ten years of precepting medical residents from the Yale School of Medicine, and over 20 years of direct clinical experience with thousands of patients.

He has helped thousands of patients with natural solutions to common, chronic, and complex medical problems. His primary focus is on painful orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions and helping people understand and treat their pain at the source. Dr. Levitt is also the co-founder and medical director at UpWellness, which is an 8-figure company where he created a line of premium natural products that work.


Questions I asked:

·      What kind of natural cures are possible?

·      Why is pain not always related to an injury?

·      What could cause pain in people?

·      What do you recommend to people for torn muscles or other injuries?

·      Can you tell us about supplements for muscular-skeletal pain?

·      Why is it so important to pay attention to our bodies and how we feel?

·      How can people deal with scar tissue?

·      Do you think unneeded surgeries are being performed?

·      Why do we need a good fitness regime that’s useful in everyday life?

·      Can you tell us about what you do and how people can contact you?


Topics Discussed:

·      Joint Pain (Arthritis, Inflammation, Specific Painful Conditions)

·      How Can We Use Nutritional & Herbal Solutions for Inflammation?

·      What are Apoptogenic Herbs, Especially Medicinal Mushrooms

·      How to Improve Gastrointestinal Health.

·      “Alternative” Medicine?

·      Downsides of Pharmaceuticals, Surgery, and Conventional Medicine.


Quotes from the show:

·      “Movement is medicine.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “There are a lot of people out there with injuries but no pain.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Our body has the ability to heal as long as we have what we need.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “For muscle pain, Inflammation, Muscle Tension, and Fibrosis are the underlying factors.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Supplements are more subtle than drugs.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Dr.Josh:

·       Website

·       Facebook

·       Instagram

·       UpWellness

·       TikTok


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Friday, April 14, 2023

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Ep 503: Step Into Your Dream Life with Petia Kolibova

Are you interested in finding your purpose?  Have you been worried about abundance in your life?  In this episode we dive understanding the importance of letting go of what no longer serves us for our best life. In this episode I talk with Petia Kolibova, a women’s transformation coach who helps women who have been pushed down and been playing it small due to toxic relationships or unhealed childhood trauma to create a life that is true to them and their soul purpose. Today, we dig deep into how we can step into our dream life, and really live our purpose.

Questions I asked:

  • What was your life like growing up?
  • How can people find their enoughness?
  • How do we find our true desires?
  • How did you get this abundance mindset?
  • Why is surrender important?
  • Why should we let go of what no longer serves us?
  • How can we get the right energy for attraction?
  • How do we stop blocking ourselves?
  • How did you turn things around for yourself?
  • What would you tell someone who is worried about leaving a bad situation?
  • What advice would you like to tell someone?

Topics Discussed:

  • Self-Esteem.
  • know your worth
  • Life experiences.
  • Finding your purpose.
  • Overcoming trauma.
  • Growth mindset.
  • Attraction and Energy.
  • Be yourself.
  • Don’t waste energy.


Quotes from the show:

  • “Stop outsourcing your worth” @petiakolibova @SisterhoodSweat
  • “What we experience in our lives is what we needed for our purpose.” @petiakolibova @SisterhoodSweat
  • “You have to go through the darkness to see the contrast.” @petiakolibova @SisterhoodSweat
  • “I was ‘should-ing’ myself instead of just being.” @petiakolibova @SisterhoodSweat
  • “Trust and relax first, and then you can take inspired action.” @petiakolibova @SisterhoodSweat

How you can stay in touch with Petia:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Ep 500: Reshape Your Life with Ali Landry

Are you interested in dealing with brain fog?  Have you been worried about your health?  

In this episode, I talk with Ali Landry. After winning Miss USA, Ali Landry was featured in the Iconic Doritos commercial, which is still to this day the most memorable Super Bowl commercial of all time. This commercial launched her into a successful career as an actress, television host, and brand ambassador, being touted as one of People’s ‘Most Beautiful’! Ali was experiencing exhaustion, brain fog, hair thinning, slow digestion, low sex drive, mild moments of depression, and sleepless nights. She was not about to settle into this and decided to figure it out and reshape her health. This journey was the inspiration for the launch of her RE/SHAPE lifestyle platform focused on overall wellness, lifestyle, beauty, and fitness as it relates to your heart, mind, soul, and health. Ali is committed to researching and curating the very best resources, products, and services, along with sharing her personal network of the most trusted specialists with women around the world. Reshape Your Life, Ali’s first book, releases with Harper Collins in March 2023. We discuss her journey to health, writing her book, and her experiences in her pageant journey.


Questions I asked:

·      Can you tell us a little bit of your story?

·      Why is it so important to speak what you want?

·      Can you tell us about your mission?

·      Why is it so important to be specific about your dreams?

·      What is your biggest why?

·      Can you share your vulnerable moment and what it brought to you?

·      What advice do you have for people feeling alone?

·      What made you audition for the Doritos commercial?

·      What does Reshapping your life look like?

·      Can you tell us about finding mentors?

·      Where can people find you online?


Topics Discussed:

·      Build a community.

·      Women supporting women.

·      ReShape your life.

·      Writing a book.

·      Don’t settle for less.

·      Worthiness.

·      Bouncing back.


Quotes from the show:

·      “I do consider myself just a small-town girl.” @alilandry @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I wanted to win to travel around the state and find a job.” @alilandry @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Words are powerful. Your life ends up looking like those thoughts.” @alilandry @SisterhoodSweat

·      “If it’s meant to be, it will be. I just had to show up.” @alilandry @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I couldn’t let ME get in the way of God’s plan.” @alilandry @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Cynthia:

·       Website

·       Facebook

·       Instagram

·       ReShape Instagram

·       Get her book.


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 3, 2023