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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Ep 506: Movement Is Medicine And A Natural Remedy For Pain with Dr. Josh Levitt

Are you interested in natural healing?  In this episode, we dive into the natural ways to heal and help your body and why so many people end up doing unnecessary surgery to feel better. In this episode, I talk with Dr. Josh Levitt. He is a naturopathic physician with a degree in physiology from UCLA, a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University, residency training in integrative medicine, over ten years of precepting medical residents from the Yale School of Medicine, and over 20 years of direct clinical experience with thousands of patients.

He has helped thousands of patients with natural solutions to common, chronic, and complex medical problems. His primary focus is on painful orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions and helping people understand and treat their pain at the source. Dr. Levitt is also the co-founder and medical director at UpWellness, which is an 8-figure company where he created a line of premium natural products that work.


Questions I asked:

·      What kind of natural cures are possible?

·      Why is pain not always related to an injury?

·      What could cause pain in people?

·      What do you recommend to people for torn muscles or other injuries?

·      Can you tell us about supplements for muscular-skeletal pain?

·      Why is it so important to pay attention to our bodies and how we feel?

·      How can people deal with scar tissue?

·      Do you think unneeded surgeries are being performed?

·      Why do we need a good fitness regime that’s useful in everyday life?

·      Can you tell us about what you do and how people can contact you?


Topics Discussed:

·      Joint Pain (Arthritis, Inflammation, Specific Painful Conditions)

·      How Can We Use Nutritional & Herbal Solutions for Inflammation?

·      What are Apoptogenic Herbs, Especially Medicinal Mushrooms

·      How to Improve Gastrointestinal Health.

·      “Alternative” Medicine?

·      Downsides of Pharmaceuticals, Surgery, and Conventional Medicine.


Quotes from the show:

·      “Movement is medicine.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “There are a lot of people out there with injuries but no pain.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Our body has the ability to heal as long as we have what we need.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “For muscle pain, Inflammation, Muscle Tension, and Fibrosis are the underlying factors.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Supplements are more subtle than drugs.” @JoshuaLevittND @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Dr.Josh:

·       Website

·       Facebook

·       Instagram

·       UpWellness

·       TikTok


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"

Check out this episode!

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