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Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Ep 605: Find Me The Money with Tracy Coenen

Are you trying to take more control of your finances?  Have you been worried about how money is spent in your household? In this episode I talk with Tracy Coenen. Tracy is known as a no-nonsense forensic accountant who delivers the “real deal” to her clients. Let’s face it: When your money is on the line, there is zero time to dance around an issue. Her passion lies in helping people find answers. Answers to questions like “Where did our money go?” After years of watching those who couldn’t justify the cost of a forensic accountant lose thousands of dollars in their divorces, Tracy knew she had to create a solution. That’s why she put her heart into creating the Divorce Money Guide. Tracy takes divorcing people step-by-step through the process of gathering and analyzing their financial documents to see what their money has been spent on and whether there is any money missing. The fancy titles and letters: Tracy works as a forensic accountant through her firm, Sequence Inc. Forensic Accounting. She has been doing fraud investigations for more than 25 years, and is a CPA (Certified Public Accountant), CFF (Certified in Financial Forensics), and MAFF (Master Analyst in Financial Forensics). Tracy testifies as an expert witness around the country.


Questions I asked:

·      Why do people often get divorced around the holidays?

·      Why do husbands often handle the finances?

·      How do you help women?

·      How do you find out if partner’s are hiding money from you?

·      How did you get started into forensic accounting?

·      What are the red flags for fraud in a relationships?

·      What do you consider financial infidelity?

·      Where else could partner’s hide their money, outside of a bank account?

·      How can women protect themselves in their finances?

·      What should women listening know?

·      How can we be more confident in talking about money?


Topics Discussed:

·      Finances.

·      Divorce.

·      Financial Infidelity.

·      Taking control of your finances.

·      Forensic Accounting


Quotes from the show:

·      “People often have anxiety around financial issues post divorce.” @divorcemoneyguide @SisterhoodSweat

·      “When it comes time for divorce, the question is, where is our money.” @divorcemoneyguide @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I’m helping women get their arms around the money so they can have comfort.” @divorcemoneyguide @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Make sure you have access to online banking and monitor your accounts. Know what money is coming in and going out.” @divorcemoneyguide @SisterhoodSweat


How you can stay in touch with Tracy:

·       Website

·       Facebook

·       Instagram

·       YouTube

·       LinkedIn


How you can stay in touch with Linda:


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Check out this episode!

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