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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

643: Recognizing the Cycle of Ruptured Mother-Daughter Relationships

Do you struggle with your relationship with your mother? Today, I’m talking to Khara Crosswaite Brindle. We explored mother-daughter estrangement and the process of healing from toxic relationships. We discussed her book on ruptured mother-daughter bonds and the common cycle of estrangement that includes questioning the relationship, potential relationship ruptures, and stages of grief, self-discovery, and redefining self-worth. We both shared personal experiences of emotionally unavailable mothers and the impact this had on their sense of self. They described struggles with people-pleasing, perfectionism, and boundary-setting due to a lack of modeling in childhood.


Questions I asked:

o   Where about do you live on the planet?

o   Do you go to the gym now?

o   What brought you into talking about Mother Daughter estrangement?

o   What assumptions about estrangement need to be dispelled?

o   What social stigmas are attached to this mother daughter estrangement?

o   What would you speak to women today that have gone through something like that? So they can understand their value?

o   How does one put boundaries in place when I may not even know what they should be?

o   How do you realize you’re worthy of these boundaries?

o   What's what would you say, separates these stages in the parental estrangement experience?

o   What separates the stages in the parental estrangement experience according to Kara's model?

o   What social stigmas are attached to mother-daughter estrangement?

o   What would you tell women today who have gone through abandonment by their mothers to help them understand their value?

o   How do people stop people-pleasing to your own detriment?

o   What is the name of Kara's book and where can people find it?



Topics Discussed:

- Mother-daughter estrangement and the estrangement cycle

- Impacts of emotionally unavailable, narcissistic, and abusive mothers

- Intergenerational patterns of trauma and their effects

- Struggles with self-worth, perfectionism, people-pleasing due to childhood experiences

- Grieving the loss of an idealized mother-daughter relationship

- Stages of healing from estrangement, including grief, self-discovery, and redefining self-worth

- Importance of setting boundaries and distinguishing emotional vs. physical estrangement 

- Societal pressures and stigma surrounding estrangement decisions

- Role of community and therapy in healing from childhood trauma

- Insights and strategies shared from Kara Cross's book on ruptured mother-daughter relationships



Quotes from the show:

·      “No daughter that I've worked with was like, this is fun for me. In fact, they're usually in grief and loss, they're usually in pain.” @optivida @SisterhoodSweat

·      “This book felt like a love letter to adult daughters who didn't feel the same. @optivida @SisterhoodSweat

·      “Most of the people I work with are women of all different backgrounds, all the way from like 19 years old to like 65.” @optivida  @SisterhoodSweat

·      “I was noticing a pattern where these women would come in with trauma, but they'd also have other relationship stressors, and life stuff.” @optivida @SisterhoodSweat



How you can stay in touch with Khara:

·      Schedule with me for a Professional Consultation or Discovery Call

·      Am I a Perfectioneur? A Quiz!

·      Grow Your Business with Perfectioneur Pointers

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·      Khara is author of Amazon #1 Best Seller Perfectioneur: From Workaholic to Well-Balanced and co-author of The Empowerment Model of Clinical Supervision available at

·      All services:




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