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Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Ep 741: How Not To Quit Your New Year's Resolutions with Alessa Caridi

This week on the Sisterhood of Sweat, I'm chatting with Alessa. 

Alessa Caridi is the Power Posture Pro and your workday health interrupter. She is a master certified Pilates Instructor and enjoys sharing her knowledge with anyone that will listen, no matter how large or small the audience: from zoom meetings in today's modern working situations to stages at the United Nations to TV news segments. With all of the changes happening in our working and day-to-day living situations, Alessa decided it was time to put all of her favorite workspace tools and exercises into one place, her book, The Ultimate Workspace Toolkit: Your Guide to Solving the Aches, Pains, and Productivity Problems of Your Workday. Now the work-from-anywhere warriors can create sustainable high productivity the JōbuFIT way.


Social Media Handles:

Instagram for JobuFIT: @jobufit 

Instagram for Alessa: @alessa.jobufit 



Join my free mini-course: Perfect Posture for Computer Pros

The Ultimate Workspace Toolkit: Your Guide to Solving the Aches, Pains, and Productivity Problems of Your Workday,  available on Amazon: 

How you can stay in touch with Linda:

"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T" 

Check out this episode!

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