Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ep 119 Brandon Farbstein How To Find The Beauty In Your Pain

Do you struggle with adversity? Do you feel like you are out of control over your circumstances, and the events that happen in your life? If so, you are not alone. The age of social media often causes us to play the comparison game which forces us into a dark place where we start to just pretend to be someone we are not in order to look better to the outside world.

Listen to the podcast HERE

In this episode I talk with Brandon Farbstein who at the age of two was diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism. For much of his childhood he felt out of place and lost until he found his place on a Tedx stage. He now hope to inspire people to see the world through a different lens. He believes that adversity and the difficult things that happen in our life can bring us to amazing new things if we switch our mentality away from the negativity

Questions I asked:
❏ Howdidyouriseaboveyouradversity?
❏ Whatstepscanyoutaketodaytomoveforward.
❏ Howdoyoufocusonwhatyoucandoratherthanwhatyoucan’tdo.

❏ Howdoyousurroundyourselfwiththerightpeople?
Topics Discussed:
❏ Howtoovercomeadversity.
❏ Howtomoveforward.
❏ Findingthegoodineverything.
❏ Surroundingyourselfwithpeoplewholiftyouup.

Quotes from the show:
❏ “You choose your own solution.” @BrandonFarbstein @LindaMitchell
❏ “Our pain is either a lesson or a blessing in disguise.” @BrandonFarbstein @LindaMitchell ❏ “We can be what someone is looking for.” @BrandonFarbstein @LindaMitchell
❏ “The secret to living is giving.” @BrandonFarbstein @LindaMitchell
❏ “Be deliberate with those who fill your mind. @BrandonFarbstein @LindaMitchell

How you can stay in touch with Brandon:

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❏ Instagram
❏ Get His Book ❏ Twitter
How you can stay in touch with Linda:
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Check out this episode!

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