Live, Laugh, Love, Life beautifully.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Obstacles Are Opportunities In Disguise

Today’s episode is a little different, because I am being interviewed by Kim Peek on Power Up Your Performance Podcast. Kim created Power of the Run and is a breast cancer survivor.  Our episode was all about Obstacles being opportunities in disguise. I tell my story and a deep realization I had when I was on the internet reading about someone receiving The Jane Goodman award for empowering women at the

YWCA. As I read on I realized this article could’ve have been about me. This took me back to a time 29 years ago when I was scared, alone, and afraid. I got extremely choked up. This cut straight to my heart reminding me of my WHY. I had this huge full circle moment remembering the dream that was in my heart 29 years ago when I left my ex because I and my children were victims of domestic violence. I left with nothing. I was scared how was I going to make it, how I was going to feed my kids, put a roof over our heads. Married at 18 and pregnant 3 months later, I had never even worked a full time in my freaking life. How was I going to take of us? My first full time job was at the YWCA. This was where I saw and worked with battered women, homeless, and addicts. I knew I did not want to live in my story. I wanted to help them not to live in their story, but to create a new story in which we were living as victors not victims. I said someday I’m going to help women so they don’t go through what I did. I knew I didn’t have the tools and the resources at the time, but now I do.

I have been working with women for 29 years. Today as I sit on the eve of my grand opening of The Sisterhood of SWEAT I had a Huge Realization that I created my own org.for woman and here I am living my WHY. S.W.E.A.T stands for STRONG, WOMEN, EMPOWERING, ACHIEVING, TOGETHER.

Listen to the podcast HERE

Questions Kim Asked:

  • How did you get started into fitness?
  • How did the skills you learned earlier on your journey to help you with your purpose?
  • Explain your whole publishing vision and how that relates to the gym you are about to open?
  • How has your vision evolved?
  • Why is it important o share your story with others?

Topics Discussed:

  • Obstacles are really just there to guide you and help you find opportunities
  • Navigating the naysayers
  • Give yourself permission to suck until you don’t
  • How I got started into fitness and published my first book
  • How to live your life like a champion


Quotes from the show:

  • Obstacles don't block the path they are the path @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio
  • Fear fades when you face it straight on @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio
  • Give yourself permission to suck until you don’t @sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio
  • Empower people through your words@sisterhoodofsweat @chickfitstudio

Check out Kim’s previous episode :

Episode 86

How you can stay in touch with Kim:

How you can stay in touch with Linda:

Resources Mentioned

  • The Sisterhood of SWEAT

"Proud Sponsors of the Sisterhood of S.W.E.A.T"


Check out this episode!

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